Peace Family Housing Project

Service Provider:
Foundation for the Homeless
Peace Lutheran Chruch - Austin
Mission of Agency:
Foundation for the Homeless provides families experiencing homelessness hope, opportunity, and solutions while also promoting the dignity of individuals who experience homelessness. Foundation for the Homeless has several programs, including the Family Stability Program. Family Stability is a rapid re-housing program for families with minor children experiencing homelessness. This is a multi-agency collaborative focused on case management for obtaining and maintaining safe and stable housing.
Project Partners:
Builder Captain: Sabre Commercial & Lennar Homes
Architect: H+UO
Civil Engineer: Pape-Dawson
Ground-up project. A 4-unit temporary housing for families with shared living/kitchen/laundry; 2852 sq. ft. of conditioned space with additional 600 sq. ft. screened porch/play area.